French Guiana also follows this time zone. The South American countries which follow this time zone include Argentina, Uruguay, Suriname, and parts of Brazil. In the UTC-3 time zone, a standard time is followed which is calculated by subtracting 3 hours from the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The Falkland Islands also follow this time zone. The South American countries which follow this time zone include Bolivia, Chile, Guyana, Paraguay, and parts of Brazil. In the UTC-4 time zone, a standard time is followed which is calculated by subtracting 4 hours from the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). However, the Government of Venezuela has announced that the country would follow the UTC-4 time zone from May 1, 2016, onwards. Only the South American country of Venezuela follows this time zone. In the UTC-4:30 time zone, a standard time zone is followed which is calculated by subtracting four and half hours from the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The South American countries which follow this time zone include Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, the State of Acre, and parts of Brazil. In the UTC-5 time zone, a standard time is followed which is calculated by subtracting 5 hours from the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). These are UTC-5 UTC-4:30 UTC-4 UTC-3 and UTC-2. There are five standard time zones in South America. It is bordered by the Continent of North America and the Caribbean Sea as well as the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans. Covering an area of 17,840,000 km 2, South America is the fourth largest and the fifth most populous continent in the world.